TARIKH: 25 – 26 Januari 2020
00:00 UTC, 25 Januari 2020 (Sabtu) / 08:00 MYT, 25 Januari 2020 (Sabtu)
23:59 UTC, 25 Januari 2020 (Sabtu) / 07:59 MYT, 26 Januari 2020 (Ahad)
Untuk memberikan pendedahan kepada semua stesen radio amatur dari seluruh Malaysia dalam perkara yang berkaitan dengan aktiviti ‘contest‘ iaitu ianya memerlukan sesebuah stesen radio amatur itu melakukan sebanyak mungkin ‘contact‘ dengan stesen yang lain dalam masa yang telah ditetapkan.
Hanya 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m dan 10m.
SSB -> RST + Umur
o Jika umur pengendali radio adalah 30 tahun, jadi pertukaran RST : (59 + 30)
o Pengendali radio wanita boleh memberikan pertukaran RST umur ataupun memberikan 00. Jadi pertukaran RST : (59 + 30) atau (59 + 00)
o Multi Operator boleh memberikan pertukaran umur purata. Jika umur pengendali antara 25 – 35 tahun, jadi pertukaran RST (59 + 30)
1. SOSB LP –> Single Operator Single Band Low Power (9W2, 9W6 & 9W8 only). Kuasa pancaran mengikut AA.
2. SOAB HP –> Single Operator All Band High Power (9M2, 9M6 & 9M8 only). Kuasa pancaran mengikut AA.
3. MOST HP –> Multi Operator Single Transmitter High Power (9M4 akan dikira sebagai MO). Kuasa pancaran mengikut AA.
[Stesen DX]
1. SOAB LP –> Single Operator All Band Low Power. Max power 100W
2. SOAB HP –> Single Operator All Band High Power. Max power 1500W
3. MOST HP –> Multi Operator Single Transmitter High Power. Max power 1500W
*** Single Band akan dikira sebagai All Band bagi stesen DX.
o ‘Contact’ dengan 9M2/ 9W2/ 9M4: 10 mata.
o ‘Contact’ dengan 9M6/ 9W6: 15 mata.
o ‘Contact’ dengan 9M8/ 9W8: 15 mata.
o ‘Contact’ dengan stesen DX dari benua yang sama: 5 mata.
o ‘Contact’ dengan stesen DX dari benua yang berlainan: 7 mata.
[Stesen DX]
o ‘Contact’ dengan negara sendiri: 2 mata.
o ‘Contact’ dengan stesen DX dari benua yang sama: 5 mata.
o ‘Contact’ dengan stesen DX dari benua yang berlainan: 7 mata.
o ‘Contact’ dengan stesen Malaysia: 15 mata.
Jumlah mata QSO x ( Jumlah prefix 9M + Jumlah negara ) = Mata akhir
1000 mata QSO x ( 3 prefix 9M + 70 negara ) = 73000 mata akhir
Pihak 9MDXC menggalakkan penggunaan perisian N1MM Logger. Namun, penggunaan perisian N1MM tidak wajib atau semestinya. Anda boleh menggunakan mana-mana perisian yang boleh menghasilkan fail ‘Cabrillo‘ versi 3.0 bagi Malaysia DX Contest 2020 ini.
Sekiranya anda menggunakan ‘paper’ log atau mana-mana perisian selain N1MM, sila rujuk di sini bagi format ‘Cabrillo‘ versi 3.0 yang ditetapkan oleh pihak 9MDXC. Kegagalan anda untuk mengikut format yang ditetapkan boleh menyebabkan penyertaan anda dibatalkan. Harap maklum.
Sila muat turun fail UDC di sini.
*** Fail UDC sudah boleh dimuat turun.
1. Pertandingan ini hanya terbuka kepada semua stesen radio amatur.
2. Dupe log tidak akan dikenakan penalti tetapi 0 mata diberikan. Cumanya anda perlu menyatakannya dengan jelas dalam log anda.
3. Kiraan mata yang dinyatakan dari perisian N1MM Logger akan mengalami perubahan setelah dikira semula oleh sistem ‘Cabrillo Evaluator‘. Hal ini adalah kerana perisian N1MM Logger tidak dapat membezakan penyertaan daripada kategori SOLP/ SOHP dan MOHP.
4. Log yang dihantar perlu menggunakan ‘callsign’ anda yang ditulis dengan huruf besar.
5. Log mesti dihantar dalam bentuk fail ‘Cabrillo’ versi 3.0 sahaja. Sila hantar log anda dalam format Cabrillo di sini.
6. Jawatankuasa 9MDXC tidak menerima log yang ditulis dengan tangan.
7. Semua log perlu dihantar dalam tempoh masa 7 hari selepas tamat pertandingan iaitu 2 Februari 2020 (23:59 UTC). Penghantaran log selepas tarikh tersebut akan dikira sebagai ‘check log‘.
8. Perlakuan ‘self spotting’ adalah tidak dibenarkan.
9. Hanya satu signal pancaran sahaja dibenarkan dalam satu-satu masa.
10. Semua peralatan ‘transmitters‘ dan ‘receivers‘ mestilah dalam lingkungan 500m radius.
11. Semua antena yang digunakan oleh peserta, mestilah disambung secara fizikal terus ke ‘transmitters‘.
12. Jawatankuasa 9MDXC boleh membatalkan penyertaan mana-mana stesen amatur yang melanggar peraturan-peraturan yang telah ditetapkan ini.
13. Keputusan Jawatankuasa 9MDXC adalah muktamad.
14. Keputusan pertandingan Malaysia DX Contest 2020 ini akan diumumkan pada 29 Februari 2020 (23:59 UTC).
Semua stesen yang menyertai Malaysia DX Contest 2020 ini akan diberikan sijil dalam bentuk .pdf yang boleh dimuat turun di sini sebagai tanda penghargaan dari 9MDXC.
o Top Single Operator Single Band Low Power.
o Top Single Operator All Band High Power.
o Top Multi Operator Single Transmitter High Power.
[Stesen DX]
o Top Single Operator All Band Low Power.
o Top Single Operator All Band High Power.
o Top Multi Operator Single Transmitter High Power.
DATE: 25 – 26 January 2020
00:00 UTC, 25 January 2020 (Saturday) / 08:00 MYT, 25 January 2020 (Saturday)
23:59 UTC, 25 January 2020 (Saturday) / 07:59 MYT, 26 January 2020 (Sunday)
To promote Malaysian amateur radio operator and for radio station around the world to contact as many other amateurs in as many CQ zones and countries as possible especially from Malaysia.
Only 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m and 10m. No WARC bands.
Mode SSB –> RST + Age
o OM stations: If operator is 30 years old, RST : (59 + 30)
o For YL stations: RS(T) report plus operators’ age but if the operator does not want to send her age, RS(T) report plus “00” (zero zero) can be sent such as (59 + 30) or (59 + 00)
o For multi-operator stations: RS(T) report plus the averaged age of operators, but if each operator wishes, the age of active operator can be sent. For example (the operators are 25 and 35 years old): RST : (59 + 30) for all operators.
[MALAYSIA Station]
1. SOSB LP –> Single Operator Single Band Low Power (9W2, 9W6 & 9W8 only). Power Max according to license allocation.
2. SOAB HP –> Single Operator All Band High Power (9M2, 9M6 & 9M8 only). Power Max according to license allocation.
3. MOST HP –> Multi Operator Single Transmitter High Power (9M4 will accounted as MO). Power Max according to license allocation.
[DX Station]
1. SOAB LP –> Single Operator All Band Low Power. Power Max 100W
2. SOAB HP –> Single Operator All Band High Power. Power Max 1500W
3. MOST HP –> Multi Operator Single Transmitter High Power. Power Max 1500W
*** Single Band will counted as All Band for DX Station
[MALAYSIA Station]
o Contact with 9M2/ 9W2/ 9M4: 10 points.
o Contact with 9M6/ 9W6: 15 points.
o Contact with 9M8/ 9W8: 15 points.
o Contacts with other country in same continent: 5 points.
o Contacts with other country in different continent: 7 points.
[DX Station]
o Contacts with own country: 2 points.
o Contacts with other country in same continent: 5 points.
o Contacts with other country in different continent: 7 points.
o Contacts with Malaysia station: 15 points.
Total QSO points x ( Sum of 9M prefixes + Country multipliers ) = Final score
1000 QSO points x ( 3 9M prefixes + 70 countries ) = 73000 points
9MDXC committee just encourage all entrants to use N1MM Logger. Yet, other software than N1MM can be used as long as it can generate Cabrillo format 3.0 file for Malaysia DX Contest 2020.
If you are using paper log, kindly refer here for Cabrillo format 3.0 that being used by 9MDXC committee for this contest.
Kindly download UDC file here.
*** UDC file now can be downloaded.
1. Entrants must operate within the limits of their chosen category when performing any activity that could impact their submitted score.
2. Please log all contacts that you make even if they are duplicates. No penalty for dupe log.
3. Electronic logs are to be submitted in Cabrillo format 3.0 only. Kindly send your log here by naming it with your callsign.
4. Electronic submission of logs is required for all entrants. 9MDXC committee do not accept paper log.
5. All entries must be sent within seven (7) days after the end of the contest: no later than 2359 UTC February 2, 2020. Resubmitting an entry after the deadline will result in it being considered as a check log.
6. Self-spotting or asking to be spotted is not permitted.
7. Only one signal on a band is allowed at any time.
8. All of an entrant’s transmitters and receivers must be located within a 500-metre diameter circle or within the property limits of the station licensee, whichever is greater.
9. All antennas must be physically connected by wires to the transmitters and receivers used by the entrant.
10. 9MDXC committee is responsible for checking and adjudicating the contest entries. Entrants are expected to follow the rules and best amateur radio practices. Violation of the rules of the contest or unsportsmanlike conduct may lead to disciplinary action by the Committee.
11. The Winner for Malaysia DX Contest 2020 will be announced on 2359 UTC February 29, 2020.
Electronic Certificates are awarded to all participants who submitted the log for Malaysia DX Contest 2020. Participants with checklog status are not eligible for a certificate.
[MALAYSIA Station]
o Top Single Operator Single Band Low Power.
o Top Single Operator All Band High Power.
o Top Multi Operator Single Transmitter High Power.
[DX Station]
o Top Single Operator All Band Low Power.
o Top Single Operator All Band High Power.
o Top Multi Operator Single Transmitter High Power.