The IARU Region 3 50th Anniversary Award Rules
A. The International Amateur Radio Union Region 3 (Asia-Pacific region) will grant the IARU Region 3 50th Anniversary of Award to radio amateurs who certify having contacted at least 5 (five) contacts (QSO)s on different modes or bands with Special Event Station for commemorating the 50th Anniversary of IARU Region 3 from eligible countries are those in Region III whose amateur societies are members of IARU Region 3.
B. For those purpose the IARU Region 3 encourages the IARU Region 3 member society to setup and on the air with the IARU Region 3 50th Anniversary Special Event Call Sign between May 1st, 2018 until October 31st, 2018 in the following bands: 160, 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10, 6, 2 meters, 70 centimeters and modes: MIXED, PHONE, CW, DIGIMODES and SATELLITE.
C. The IARU Region 3 50th Anniversary Special Event Call Sign is an amateur station call sign run by the IARU Region 3 member society operating in conjunction with these short-term event purpose.
D. The IARU Region 3 suggest to the IARU Region 3 member society to use number 50 as their Special Event Call Sign Preffix number and IARU as their Special Event Call Sign Suffix. (ie. YB50IARU, 9M50IARU, JA50IARU, VI50IARU, HS50IARU, BY50IARU, BV50IARU, VR50IARU. VU50IARU, etc)
E. Valid contacts (QSO)s must be made between May 1st, 2018 00:00 UTC until October 31st, 2018 24:00 UTC.
F. QSL cards are NOT needed for this award.
G. The Award has NO cost.
H. The IARU Region 3 50th Anniversary will issued in digital file (pdf format) and can be downloaded directly from the IARU Region 3 50th Anniversary Award website.
I. Amateur around the world who made contacts (QSO)s with the IARU Region 3 50th Anniversary Special Event Stations and met the Award requirement can download their IARU Region 3 50th Anniversary Award website.
J. Eligible countries are those in Region III whose amateur societies are members of IARU Region III. These are: Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei, China, Chinese Taipei (Taiwan), Fiji, French Polynesia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Macau, Malaysia, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Pitcairn Island, Samoa, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tonga, Vanuatu, Vietnam, and country credit from US Territories in the Pacific from Guam, Northern Marianas, American Samoa, Wake Island, Baker Howland Group, as presented by ARRL or Chago Archipelago (VQ9), represented by RSGB.
Requirements for Award as follow:
Basic endorsement, 5 (five) contacts (QSO)s on different modes or bands with Special Event Station
Silver endorsement, 10 (ten) contacts (QSO)s on different modes or bands with Special Event Station
Gold endorsement, 15 (fifteen) contacts (QSO)s on different modes or bands with Special Event Station
K. More than one QSO with a same Special Event Station can be counted, it each QSO is on different mode or band
L. Only Valid contacts (QSO)s will be counted based on each mode, each band
M. Duplication contacts (QSO)s with the Special Event Station in the same mode and in the same band are not counted
N. It is possible to apply for the award for contacts made in the following modes: MIXED, PHONE, CW, DIGIMODES or SATELLITE.
O. BANDS: Contacts (QSO)s can be made in the following bands: 160, 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10, 6, 2 meters and 70 centimeters individual or multi – band.
P. Contacts in crossed modes and/or bands will not be accepted, except for Satellite Mode.